Why choose YourHomesOk.Com. Your new home is “evaluated” by a trained and licensed professional. “Home Inspectors”, maybe some, are not licensed or certified to evaluate the some of the systems for which they are making comments. Your home is a major, if not the most important, asset you will ever have. Who would you want to evaluate your new home’s electrical system or plumbing system, a trained, licensed and certified professional or a well intentioned “inspector”? You can count the number of bedrooms. You can look at the driveway. You can tell if the house is in need of paint or if the shutters are falling off. You want to know about the major components of your new home. Your evaluation will be performed by a State of Ohio Licensed Electrician and a State of Ohio Certified Electrical Safety Inspector. Your evaluation will be performed by a State of Ohio Licensed Plumber. Your evaluation will be performed by a someone with 30 years experience in the construction industry. If you want a quality evaluation. Please contact me. Michael R. Parks Owner This is not a franchise. OH Lic.#26286 OH Cert.#1820